Online petition launched demanding General's release

Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has taken measures to get signatures to an online petition to demand the government of Sri Lanka to release Gen. Sarath Fonseka who was illegally arrested by the Military Police and is being arbitrarily detained without any charges.

Former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva launched the web site today morning at the head office of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA). The first signature for the petition was placed by the former Chief Justice. Mr. Sarath N. Silva also delivered the keynote address of the ceremony.

Ms. Anoma Fonseka, Leader of the JVP Somawansa Amarasinghe, former Parliamentarian Arjuna Ranatunga and a large gathering were present.

Sunday 21 February 2010

ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා රඳවා ගැනීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් වූ විවිධ ආගමික වැඩසටහන් මේ දිනවල රටේ සෑම ප‍්‍රදේශයක ම පැවැත්වේ. මෙහි දැක්වෙන්නේ පසුගිය දා කොළඹ පැවැති හින්දු ආගමික වැඩසටහනකට එක්ව සිටින අනෝමා ෆොන්සේකා මහත්මියයි. ප‍්‍රංශ පුවත් සේවය මෙම ඡුායා රූපය නිකුත් කර තිබිණ.

ඉතාලියේ වෙසෙන ශ්‍රී ලාංකීකයෝ ජෙනරාල් වෙනුවෙන් වීදි බසියි.

මේ වන විට නීති විරෝධී ලෙස අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන සිරකරගෙන සිටින ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆෝන්සේකා නිදහස් කරන ලෙස ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජයට බලකරන සහ ඉතාලි ජනතාව දැනුවත් කරන විරෝධතා පාගමනක් හා දැවැන්ත උද්ඝෝෂණයක් අද(21) ඉතාලියේ මිලානෝ නගරයේදී පැවැත්වුනා. ඉතාලියේ මිලානෝ,රෝම්,නාපෝලි,කතානියා,වැනිස්,වෙරෝනා,බ්‍රේෂියා,මෝදනා ඇතුළු බොහෝ නගරවල සිටින ජනතාව අද විරෝධතාවයට එක්වී සිටියා.

¥ෂිත ජනාධිපතිවරණයට එරෙහිවත් ,ඒකාධිපති පවුල් පාලනයට එරෙහිව සටන්පාඨ කියමින් මිලානෝ ප‍්‍රධාන වීදි හරහා ගමන්ගත් පාගමන කාගෙත් අවදානයට ලක්වී තිබුනා. ඉතාලි බසින් ලියවූ පති‍්‍රකා බෙදමින් ලංකාවේ වත්මන් පාලනයේ ¥ෂිත ස්වභාවය හෙලි කිරීම තවත් විශේෂ සිදුවීමකි.

ජෙනරාල්ට විරුද්ධව පිළිගතහැකි චෝදනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කරන්ඩ ආණ්ඩුවට තවමත් පුළුවන් වෙලා නැහැ.මේක දේශපාලන පළිගැනීමක්. අපේ යුගයේ බිහිවෙච්ච ජාතික වීරයෙක් හැටියට මම ජෙනරාල්ව හදුන්වනවා.”

මම වැනිස් ඉඳලා මේ වැඬේට ආවේ.මට දේශපාලන පක්ෂයක් නෑ.ඒවුනාට රාජපක්ෂලාගේ බලූවැඩ වලට අපි කැමති නැහෑ.අද රටේ ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවාදය නැහෑ.අපි අද පිටරටක හිටියත් මැරෙන්ඩහරි ලංකාවට යන්ඩ ඕනා.ඒ හින්දා රට ගැන හිතන එක මගේ වගකීමක් කියලා හිතපු හින්දයි අද මේ උද්ඝෝෂණයට ආවේ.ජෙනරාල් දේශපාලනයට ආවට මම කැමති නැහැ..ජෙනරාල්ව හිරකරන් ඉන්නේ මේකත් නිසාද කියලා පැහැදිලියි.ඒ දේශපාලන පළිගැනීමකට.”

මේ ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවිරෝධී වැඩ කරන රාජපක්ෂලාව අතුගාලාදාන්ඩ ඕනා. මුලූ ලෝකයම දැනුවත් කරන්ඩ ඕනා.
vivaraenews වෙත උද්ඝෝෂණයට සහභාගිවී සිටි කිහිප දෙනෙකු අදහස් දක්වමින් පවසා සිටියා.මේ විරෝධතාවය සංවිධානය කර තිබුනේ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවාදය සදහා වන ව්‍යාපාරය විසිනුයි.

Saturday 20 February 2010

ජෙනරල් නිදහස් කරන්නැයි බල කෙරෙන උද්ඝෝෂණයක් දකුණු කොරියාවේදී

Saturday, 20 February 2010

ජෙනරල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා වහා ම නිදහස් කරන ලෙස ඉල්ලා සංවිධානය කෙරෙන උද්ඝෝෂණයක් හෙට දකුණු කොරියාවේදී පැවැත්වේ.

එම උද්ඝෝෂණය පැවැත්වෙන්නේ, දකුණු කොරියාවේ සෝල් නුවර පිහිටි ශ්‍රී ලංකා තානාපති කාර්යාලය ඉදිරිපිටදී ය.

මෙය සංවිධානය කරනුයේ, දකුණු කොරියාවේ පිහිටුවා ඇති ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය උදෙසා වන සංවිධානය මගිනි.

මෙවැනි උද්ඝෝෂණ මේ වන විට රටවල් කිහිපයක ම පැවැත්වූ අතර පසුගිය දා එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානයේ මූලස්ථානය ඉදිරිපිටදී ද උද්ඝෝෂණයක් පැවැත්විණ.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

S.Lanka opposition file court challenge to premier

AFPTue Feb 16, 2:25 am ET
COLOMBO (AFP) – Sri Lanka's former army chief and defeated presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka on Tuesday petitioned the Supreme Court challenging incumbent Mahinda Rajapakse's re-election, his lawyer said.

Fonseka, who lost a January 26 vote, alleged that he was robbed of victory because of rigging, electoral malpractice and undue influence on the 14 million electorate, lawyer Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe told AFP.

"We are presenting a 40-page complaint to the Supreme Court on bribery, corruption, the use of undue influence and vote rigging at the election," Rajapakshe said.

Fonseka received 40.15 percent of the popular vote compared to 57.88 for Rajapakse at an election many had expected to be a close fight. Two weeks after his defeat, Fonseka was arrested and placed in indefinite detention.

Rajapakshe said he had earlier obtained permission from the Supreme Court for Fonseka to sign his election petition while he was being held by the military pending court martial proceedings on unspecified charges.

The country's defence secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapakse, who is the president's younger brother, has said that Fonseka was plotting a coup, a charge rejected by the ex-army chief.

Fonseka's arrest has sparked protests and an outcry abroad with the United States, the European Union and the United Nations expressing concern that democracy should not be undermined in a country emerging from a 37-year-old separatist war.

Leaders of Sri Lanka's influential Buddhist clergy have scheduled a meeting Thursday to press their demand for the immediate release of Fonseka, the country's only four-star general who served in the military.

Top monks of all key sects as well as the guardians of the island's holiest shrine, the Temple of The Tooth, have made a joint appeal to the President to free Fonseka who is mounting a separate legal challenge over his arrest.

Fonseka was the battlefield architect of the government's victory over Tamil Tiger rebels last May, which ended their 37-year old fight for an independent Tamil homeland that cost an estimated 80,000-100,000 lives.

However, he fell out with Rajapakse and quit in November and ran against the president in January's elections.

The president has denied any link between the arrest and the presidential polls, and stressed that "no one was above the law".

Monday 15 February 2010

ජනරාල් තවමත් සීරුවෙන් - හමුදාවට ප්‍රකාශ ලබා දීම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරයි

2010 පෙබරවාරි 15 වෙනි සදුදා, 08:23
පසුගියදා නීති විරෝධි ලෙස අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන රඳවා සිටින ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාට එල්ල වී ඇති චෝදනා සම්බන්ධයෙන් සාක්ෂි සම්පිණ්ඩනය කිරීම සඳහා ප්‍රකාශයක් ලබා දෙන ලෙස හමුදාව විසින් කරන ලද ඉල්ලීම ඔහු විසින් ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කර ඇත. ජනරාල්වරයා මෙම ඉල්ලීම ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කර ඇත්තේ තමන් දැන් හමුදා නිලධාරියෙකු නොව, සිවිල් පුරවැසියෙකු බැවින් තමන්ට විරුද්ධව හමුදා නීතිය යටතේ කටයුතු කළ නොහැකි බව පවසමිනි.

යුධ හමුදා මාණ්ඩලික ප්‍රධානී මේජර් ජනරාල් දයා රත්නායක මහතාගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් යුත් ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ හමුදා නිලධාරීන් පිරිසක් ජනරාල් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා රඳවා සිටින නාවික හමුදා මූලස්ථානය ගොස් ඇති අතර, මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් ප්‍රකාශයක් ලබා දෙන ලෙද ඔහුගෙන් ඉල්ලීමක් කර ඇත. නමුත් මේ අවස්ථාවේදී ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා පවසා ඇත්තේතමන්ට මෙවැනි කිසිදු ප්‍රකාශයක් ලබා දීමට නොහැකි බවයි. මෙසේ පවසමින් ප්‍රකාශයක් ලබා දීම ‍ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කර ඇත.

තමා දැන් හමුදා නිලධාරියෙකු නොවන බවත්, රටේ සාමාන්‍ය පුරවැසියෙකු බවත් පවසා ඇති ජනරාල්වරයා තමන්ගෙන් හමුදාවට ප්‍රකාශයක් ලබා ගැනීමේ කිසිදු අයිතියක් නැති බව මෙහිදී ‍පවසා ඇත. එමෙන්ම මෙම චෝදනා සම්බන්ධයෙන් තමන්ව යුධ අධිකරණයට ගෙන යෑමට ද කිසිදු අයිතියක් නොමැති බවත් මෙහිදී ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා පවසා ඇත.

මේ අනුව ඉදිරියේදී ගත යුතු නීතිමය ක්‍රියාමාර්ග පිළිබඳව නීති අංශ සමඟ සාකච්ඡා පවත්වමින් සිටින බව හමුදා ආරංචි මාර්ග පවසයි.

ජනරාල් නිදහස් කරන්නැයි ජ.වි.පෙ.න් දැවැන්ත උද්ඝෝෂණයක් හෙට කොළඹදී

2010 පෙබරවාරි 15 වෙනි සදුදා, 09:46
නීති විරෝධි ලෙස අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන රඳවා සිටින ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා වහාම නිදහස් කරන ලෙස රජයට බල කරමින් දැවැත්න උද්ඝෝෂණයක් පැවැත්වීමට කටයුතු සංවිධානය කර ඇති බව ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ පවසයි. මේ අනුව හෙට (16) සවස 3.00 ට බොරැල්ල කැම්බල් පිටියෙන් ආරම්භ වන දැවැත්න පාගමනකින් මෙම විරෝධතාවය ආරම්භ කිරීමට නියමිතය.

මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් අප කළ විමසීමකදී ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණේ ප්‍රචාරක ලේකම් හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී විජිත හේරත් මහතා මෙසේ පැවසීය.

"මේ රජය ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍ර විරෝධී ලෙස මේ රටේ ජාතික වීරයෙක් වුණු ජනරාල් සරත් ‍ෆොන්සේකා මහතා අත්අඩංගුවට අරන් තියෙනව. දැන් මේ රටේ ක්‍රියාත්මක වෙන්නේ ෆැසිස්ට් පන්නයේ පාලනයක්. මේ ක්‍රියාමාර්ගයන්ට එරෙහිව අපි එකතු වෙන්න ඕනෙ.

මේ වෙන කොට මේ රටේ මහ නායක ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේලා ප්‍රමුඛ පූජණිය මහා සංඝ රත්නයත් ඉල්ලා තිබෙනව ජනරාල් නිදහස් කරන්න කියල. නමුත් ඒ ගැන ඉඩිමහින් මේ වෙනකම් කිසිදු තැකීමක් කර නැහැ. ඒ වෙනුවට මේ ඉල්ලීම කරපු වගේම, ඒ වෙනුවෙන් මැදිහත් වෙලා ඉන්න ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේලාට හා විහාරස්ථානවලට පහර දෙමින් සිටිනවා.

ඒ විතරක් නෙමෙයි මේ වෙන කොට ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා නිදහස් කරන්න කියල අපි උද්ඝෝෂණ ගණනාවක් පැවැත්වුවා. නමුත් මේ සෑම අවස්ථාවකටම පාහේ පොලිසිය පහර දුන්නා. ඒ විතරක් නෙමෙයි මේ සෑම අවස්ථාවකදීම මැරයොත් පහර දුන්න. මේ කිසිව වෙලාවක පොලිසිය මැරයින්ට විරුද්ධව කටයුතු කළේ නැහැ.

මේ සියලු කරුණූවලින් පැහැදිලියි මේ වෙන කොට මේ රටේ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය බරපතල ලෙස උල්ලංඝණය වෙලා කිය. මෙයට එරෙහිව ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ විදියට අපි හෙට කොළඹදී දැවැන්ත උද්ඝෝෂණයක් සංවිධානය කරල තියෙනව. මේ රටේ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය අගයන සියලුම ජනතාවට අපි ආරාධනා කරනව අපිත් එක්ක එකතු වෙන්න කියල"

Support builds for Fonseka but army likely to go ahead with court martial

Sutirtho Patranobis, Hindustan Times

Colombo, February 14, 2010

A groundswell of support seems to be building up to free the arrested former army chief Sarath Fonseka. But the Sri Lankan army (SLA), it was learnt, is likely to go ahead and initiate court martial proceedings against him, the first four-star general in its history.

A board, of either three or five members, would be constituted to hear the evidence against Fonseka, accused of planning a coup among other things.

The court martial board would be headed by current chief of defence staff (CDS) and Sri Lankan air force chief, air marhsall Roshan Goonetilleke.

Goonetilleke was made CDS by President Mahinda Rajapaksa after Fonseka put in his papers in the middle of November to fight the presidential election. Though the air chief is junior to Fonseka in terms of years of service, Fonseka’s resignation made Goonetilleke the highest ranking officer in the Sri Lankan armed forces.

Under the Army Act, Fonseka would have the right to appeal to change officers on the board.

It was learnt that at present, the army was conducting the "summary of evidence" – or collecting evidence -- against Fonseka. "We have to do it soon," an army officer told HT.

The evidence would then be forwarded to the Judge Advocates (JA) office in the SLA. The JA’s office will decide whether the proof against Fonseka was clear enough to order a court martial. If not, then the summary of evidence would be forwarded to the Attorney General’s office for advice.

Referring the `summary of evidence’ to the JA’s office could be a formality as Defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has already said the evidence against Fonseka seems strong enough to put him in jail for five years.

Hundreds of court martial proceedings have been carried out in SLA’s history, mostly to deal with deserters. In recent years, the highest ranking officer against whom court martial proceedings were initiated was a major general.

But in Fonseka’s case, the court martial would deep political implications. The opposition, for one, has vowed to continue the agitation demanding Fonseka’s release. The leader of United National Party and Fonseka’s ally Ranil Wickeremesinghe said on Sunday that people had protested in at least 20 cities against Fonseka’s arrest. "It is darkness at noon," Wickeremesinghe said, describing the ongoing political turmoil.

Support builds for Fonseka but army likely to go ahead with court martial

Sutirtho Patranobis, Hindustan Times

Colombo, February 14, 2010

A groundswell of support seems to be building up to free the arrested former army chief Sarath Fonseka. But the Sri Lankan army (SLA), it was learnt, is likely to go ahead and initiate court martial proceedings against him, the first four-star general in its history.

A board, of either three or five members, would be constituted to hear the evidence against Fonseka, accused of planning a coup among other things.

The court martial board would be headed by current chief of defence staff (CDS) and Sri Lankan air force chief, air marhsall Roshan Goonetilleke.

Goonetilleke was made CDS by President Mahinda Rajapaksa after Fonseka put in his papers in the middle of November to fight the presidential election. Though the air chief is junior to Fonseka in terms of years of service, Fonseka’s resignation made Goonetilleke the highest ranking officer in the Sri Lankan armed forces.

Under the Army Act, Fonseka would have the right to appeal to change officers on the board.

It was learnt that at present, the army was conducting the "summary of evidence" – or collecting evidence -- against Fonseka. "We have to do it soon," an army officer told HT.

The evidence would then be forwarded to the Judge Advocates (JA) office in the SLA. The JA’s office will decide whether the proof against Fonseka was clear enough to order a court martial. If not, then the summary of evidence would be forwarded to the Attorney General’s office for advice.

Referring the `summary of evidence’ to the JA’s office could be a formality as Defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has already said the evidence against Fonseka seems strong enough to put him in jail for five years.

Hundreds of court martial proceedings have been carried out in SLA’s history, mostly to deal with deserters. In recent years, the highest ranking officer against whom court martial proceedings were initiated was a major general.

But in Fonseka’s case, the court martial would deep political implications. The opposition, for one, has vowed to continue the agitation demanding Fonseka’s release. The leader of United National Party and Fonseka’s ally Ranil Wickeremesinghe said on Sunday that people had protested in at least 20 cities against Fonseka’s arrest. "It is darkness at noon," Wickeremesinghe said, describing the ongoing political turmoil.

Sunday 14 February 2010

The General's wife steps forward

February 14, 2010 Sunday, 07:00 AM
Ravi Velloor speaks to General Sarath Fonseka's wife.


LAST Wednesday, Sri Lankan defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa gave me a telephone interview in which he detailed why he and older brother Mahinda, the country's president, felt a need to act so strongly against the military hero who delivered peace to the island after a quarter century's bloody insurgency.

For Gen Sarath Fonseka was no ordinary commander.

The victim of two assassination attempts, one of which needed him to evacuated to Singapore for treatment, Fonseka's relentless drive, fierceness and military cunning, combined with the political and material support he received from the Rajapaksas ensured the victory over what Sri Lankans call 'terrorism'. Others may not agree, of course, particularly the Tamils, who have a long history of grievances against the state, many of them legitimate.

The Gotabaya comments to the Straits Times were widely reproduced around the world and continue to reverberate. But unable to get through to the Fonseka camp at the time, I was eager to get the other side's story into the picture. With the general in military custody and under prodding from my editors, the only option was to talk to his wife.

When I reached the Fonseka residence on Queens Avenue, Mrs Anoma Fonseka was on Skype, chatting with her daughters in the US. Outside, Jerfy, the Dalmatian was howling away and I was told he'd been that way since Sri Lanka's war hero, now facing charges of treason, had been arrested last Monday.

When I went up to pet Jerfy I was warned by Mrs Fonseka's sister that this was no friendly dog. Aside from the general and his wife, said Mrs Chandana Peiris, Jerfy had gone for everyone else in the household, including the Fonseka girls. So I turned from admiring Jerfy to admiring the flowers in the garden.

Colombo was tense and unhappy about the treatment being meted out their war hero, but you couldn't tell from the tropical beauty that surrounds me here everywhere. 'Lands of charm and cruelty' -- the title of a book on Southeast Asia, kept coming back to my mind again and again as I inhaled deeply, savouring the moment.

Presently, Mrs Fonseka showed up, accompanied by her own pet, a Dachshund named Tutu. Tutu curled up at my feet and lay down, occasionally stirring to chase away a butterfuly, as we talked for an hour.

General Sarath Fonseka's wife, Ansoma Fonseka, gives the other side of the story. -- PHOTO: AFP



I cannot understand. We were very good friends. After the war ended, I began to feel it a bit. There were some misunderstandings. There was some ill-treatment just after the war. Sarath wanted to stay on as army commander, he didn't want to be Chief of Defence Staff. He wanted to work on the welfare of the war heroes. They didn't allow that. He asked Gotabaya if he could stay as army chief, but they didnt allow it. That was the main thing. He used to talk about it at night.

About the other things I do not know, but this was the main thing: he wanted to make sure that the soldiers had a home and were not living under trees.


He entered politics after removing his uniform. He came very decently to politics. He is a civilian since he retired in November and now they are threatening him under the Army Act.


If he wanted to do that he could have done it much earlier. He could have easily done that soon after Prabhakaran was killed. At that time, Sarath was the hero. These are made up stories. He gave full respect for the president and the defence secretary -- not any others. He obeyed them and trusted them 100 per cent. Afterwards he was disappointed. People around the president and the secretary bred suspicion.


That never happened. At the time of (Lasantha Wickrematunge's murder in Jan. 2009) he was directly involved in the war and had no time for other things. I can assure you that. He was too involved with operations. He was always with maps. There were maps on the floor, he was looking at maps while eating, walking... all the time. And there was a map in his mind. Nobody can fight a war and be plotting murder of civilians at the same time. They have taken one of his young officers and forced him to give evidence. These officers did a good job for my husband during the war. I can say with hundred percent certainty the murder charge is false.


The north was full of mines. He wanted 100 per cent demining to be done. That would have taken time -- that is why he asked for the Tamils to continue to be housed in the IDP camps. Even now he tells me they are resettling in too much of a hurry. It still bothers him. They did it quickly because of the elections. That is not the way to do it.


He is very brave. Mentally, he is 100 per cent okay. He has tremendous will power and his morale is very high. No one can take that away from him.


It is a normal quarters given to junior married officers. Not the luxurious apartment that they are talking about. I know because I am a military wife. There are two rooms, no air conditioning. Only fans. There is a common toilet.


Well, rice, curries, pol sambal... He likes jakfruit, fish curry -- seer fish and cod. And I take skimmed milk for him because he cannot take regular milk after his last assassination attempt.

I have to give my thanks to Singapore (for saving his life). Otherwise, he will not be here. We were were for a month while he was being treated in Singapore General Hospital. There is one mortar piece in his lungs. A second shrapnel is near his kidneys and his bowels were damaged in the third accident, which was a suicide attempt on his life.


He wants a reasonable way to come out. The law will give the correct answer. He has done no wrong. Why should we beg from them? Even I will not agree to that. The truth will come out some day.


We have very good Tamil friends. They even give us our meals. In childhood, he was in Amparai with lots of Muslims (whose language is Tamil). My father had very good friends in Jaffna. During our courtship we used to eat in Tamil restaurants like Greenland and Saraswati Lodge in Colombo. I was a student then and he was a lieutenant in the Singha regiment.


Yes, we were good friends. She was in Moscow when I called her and she called me back in two hours. I told her he wasn't arrested, he was abducted. They pulled him, lifted him like an animal. I asked her to save his life and she told me she would do something. I think she did. There is still a connection between woman to woman. We are wives and mothers after all. I give my thanks to her.

නව පුළුල් සන්ධානයකට ජ.වි.පෙ.න් රනිල්ට ඇරයුම්

පෙබ.14: (Lankaepuwath) ජෙනරල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාගේ නායකත්වයෙන් නව සන්ධානයක් පිහිටුවා මහ මැතිවරණයට තරග කිරීමට එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයට ආරාධනා කිරීමට ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ සූදානම් වේ.

ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ පවසන්නේ, ජෙනරල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන සිටින අවස්ථාවක විපක්ෂය එක්ව කටයුතු කළ යුතුව ඇති බව ය.

ඒකාබද්ධ පුළුල් සන්ධානයක් සදහා එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය සමග සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට තවමත් අවස්ථාව ඇති බව ද ඔවුහු පවසති.

ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය ස්ථාපනය කිරීම සදහා මෙම පියවර ගත යුතු බව ඔවුන්ගේ ස්ථාවරය යි.

තංගල්ලේ උද්ඝෝෂණයටත් මැරයින් හා එක්ව පොලිසිය පහර දෙයි

2010 පෙබරවාරි 14 වෙනි ඉරිදා, 12:31
අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන රඳවා සිටින ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා වහාම නිදහස් කරන ලෙස ඉල්ලා අද තංගල්ල නගරයේදී විපක්ෂයේ සියලු පක්ෂ ඒකාබද්ධව උද්ඝෝෂණයක් පැවැති අතර, මෙම උද්ඝෝෂණයට ‍මැර පිරිසකගේ ප්‍රහාරයක් එල්ල වී ඇති අතර, මැරයින් පහරදීමත් සමඟම පොලිසිය විසින්ද උද්ඝෝෂකයින්ට පහර දී ඇත.

අද උදෑසන තංගල්ල නගරයේදී මෙම උද්ඝෝෂණය පැවැති අතර, උද්ඝෝෂණය පවත්වා පසුව ජනතා නියෝජිතයින් විසින් උද්ඝෝෂකයින් අමතා ඇත. මෙහිදී ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණේ හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී නිහාල් ගලප්පත්ති මහතා උද්ඝෝකයින් අමතමින් සිටියදී නිල් බලකායේ සාමාජිකයින් විසින් මෙම උද්ඝෝෂණයට පහර දී ඇත. මැර පිරිස පහරදීමත් සමඟම ක්‍රියාත්මක වී ඇති පොලිසිය ද උද්ඝෝෂකයින්ට අමානුෂික ලෙස පහරදී ඇති අතර, පොලිසිය මෙහිදී හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී නිහාල් ගලප්පත්ති මහතාට ද තර්ජනය කර ඇත. පොලිසියේ හා මැරයින්ගේ ප්‍රහාරවලින් එක් අයෙකු තුවාල ලබා රෝහල් ගත කර ඇති අතර, තිදෙනෙකු පොලිස් අත්අඩංගුවට පත්ව ඇත.

කෙ‍සේ වෙතත් මේ අවස්ථාවේදී මැරයින් කිසිවෙකු සම්බන්ධයෙන් පොලිසිය කිසිදු ක්‍රියාමාර්ගයක් ගෙන නැති අතර, දිගින් දිගටම උද්ඝෝෂකයින්ට පහර දී උද්ඝෝකයින් විසුරුවීමට කටයුතු කර ඇත.

Release Gen. Fonseka just as Karuna & Pilleyan were released using executive powers – Mahanayakas tell President

Saturday, 13 February 2010 19:20

The Mahanayakas of the three Chapters have asked the President to free Gen. Sarath Fonseka of all accusations against him, release him and provide necessary security using his executive powers just as the President had used it to release Karuna Amman and Pilleyan who hasd massacred Bhikkus at Aranthalawa and carried out a bomb attack on the Temple of the Tooth. This request has been made to President Mahinda Rajapkse in a letter written with the signatures of Mahanayake of Malwatta Chapter Most Ven Thibbotuwawe Sri Sumangala Thera, Mahanayake of Asgiriya Chapter Most Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkhita Thera, Mahanayake of Amarapura Chapter Most Ven. Dawuldeniye Gnanissara Thera and Mahanayake of Ramagnna Chapter Most Ven. Weveldeniye Medhalankara Thera.

In their letter the Mahanayakas further state even in the past the Maha Sangha came forward for the settlement of any crises, dissention and conflict between the ruler and the ruled. This has been confirmed in the chronicles too the prelates point out. It is this tradition that has prompted them to address the President in order to calm down the crisis that has emerged in the country they state in their letter to the President.

They have asked the President to follow Lord Buddhas teaching that ‘hatred would not end hatred’ and give up the differences and the conflict with the former Commander of SL Army Gen. Fonseka who carried out the task of eradicating terrorism from the Motherland. The Prelates in their letter reminds the President, that he, using his executive powers, has taken to the government’s fold and presented ministerial posts and other privileges to Karuna Amman (Karuna) and Pilleyan, considered as fierce terrorists who had assassinated Bhikkus, attacked the Temple of the Tooth, Sri Maha Bodhiya, murdered a large number of members of security forces and civilians and was engaged in a process of dividing the country. Hence, the President should use his executive powers to release all those who have been arrested, including Gen. Fonseka, who have risked their lives to protect sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Motherland and security of the masses state the Mahanayakas in their letter.

ජෙනරාල් නිදහස් කරන්නැයි බලකරමින් කැනඩාවේ උද්ඝෝෂණයක්

2010 පෙබරවාරි 14 වෙනි ඉරිදා, 09:34
නීති විරෝධී ලෙස අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන රඳවා සිටින ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා වහාම නිදහස් කරන ලෙස බලකරමින් පසුගිය 12 වන දා කැනඩාවේදී උද්ඝෝෂණයක් පැවැත්විණි. කැනඩාවේ වෙසෙන ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයින්ගේ සහභාගීත්වයෙන් පැවැති මෙම උද්ඝෝෂණය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය උදෙසා වූ ව්‍යාපාරය විසින් සංවිධානය කර තිබූ අතර, එය කැනඩාවේ, ඔටාවා නුවර ශ්‍රී ලංකා තානාපති කාර්යාලය ඉදිරිපිට පවත්වනු ලැබීය.

Mahanayakas urge Fonseka’s release

The Mahanayakas of the Malwatta and Asgiriya Chapters, Amarapura and Rammanna Nikayas yesterday urged President Mahinda Rajapaksa to release the former Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka and other military personnel associated with him who are under arrest now.
In a letter addressed to the President making this request, the Mahanayakes have also stated that the Maha Sangha in the country have throughout its long history come forward to help resolve grave national issues including conflicts among the rulers.
The prelates, in their joint letter, have also recalled how the Maha Sangha had taken the initiative to resolve the conflict between King Dutugemunu and his brother Prince Saddhatissa, thus, warding off blood letting in a battle.
The Mahanayakes also states in their letter:“ As recorded in our chronicles, during the conflict between King Dutugemunu (151 – 137 BC) and his brother Prince Tissa, it was the Maha Sangha from the Dematamal Viharaya at Maligawila in Okkampitiya who came forward to resolve the feud between the two brothers and saved the life of Prince Tissa. Likewise, when, our nation, race and religion were faced with critical situations, it was prelates such as Venerable Welivita Asarana Sarana Saranankara Thera, Ven. Wariyapola Sri Sumangala Thera and Ven. Migettuwatte Gunananda Thera who rose to the occasion to safeguard honour of the nation.”

The statement is signed by Most Ven. Thibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Mahanayaka Thera of Malwatta Chapter, Most Ven. Udugama Sri Rathanapala Buddharakkitha Mahanayaka Thera of Asgiriya Chapter, Most Ven. Dawuldena Gnanissara Thera Mahanayaka Thera of Amarapura nikaya and Most Ven. Weweldeniye Medhalankara Thera Mahanayaka Thera of Ramanna Nikaya.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Protest against General Sarath Fonseka's arrest

Sri Lankan Gen Sarath Fonseka's arrest to be challenged

Sri Lankan opposition parties have said they will mount a legal challenge to the detention of defeated presidential candidate Gen Sarath Fonseka.

Gen Fonseka was arrested on Monday, accused of working with anti-government forces and planning a coup and assassinations. He denies the charges.

His wife has visited him, but his supporters say they fear for his life.

Their move comes after President Mahinda Rajapaksa dissolved parliament, paving the way for early elections.

Mr Rajapaksa easily defeated Gen Fonseka in elections last month, but the general rejected the outcome.

In a joint statement, the opposition parties said they feared the general would be killed in detention.

We will take this matter to courts, we will take it before the people and we will take it before the international community

Rauf Hakeem
Opposition politician

Opposition in disarray
"We have good reason to believe that the extra-judicial arrest of Gen Fonseka may be followed up with assassination while in custody," the statement said.

The opposition has also called for protests over the arrest.

"We will take this matter to courts, we will take it before the people and we will take it before the international community," said opposition legislator Rauf Hakeem.

Defence officials say he will probably face a military court, the BBC's Charles Haviland reports from the capital, Colombo.

But another senior government official, Rajiva Wijesinha, has said he hopes any evidence will be promptly clarified and that any case brought will be a civil one.

Meanwhile, Gen Fonseka's wife told the BBC she had been allowed to visit him at the navy headquarters in Colombo where he is being held.

Anoma Fonseka said he trusted no one there and had therefore not eaten or drunk anything until she had taken him a meal.

Parliamentary elections are expected to be held on 8 April. Mr Rajapaksa is hoping to capitalise on his comfortable victory in the presidential poll, correspondents say.

He fought the January election on the back of the military defeat of the Tamil Tigers last year. Gen Fonseka also took credit for ending the long civil war.

The two men fell out soon after the fighting ended and embarked on a bitter election campaign.

Hours before his arrest, the general said he was prepared to give evidence in an international court on any war crime charges brought against Sri Lankan leaders.

Detained retired General Sarath Fonseka has been without medication for 24 hours

[ Wednesday, 10 February 2010, 07:14.45 AM GMT +05:30 ]
According to an English website, the detained retired General Sarath Fonseka has been without medication for 24 hours, while in the custody of the Military Police, while his lawyer stated, after visiting the General last night.
According to an English website, the detained retired General Sarath Fonseka has been without medication for 24 hours, while in the custody of the Military Police, while his lawyer stated, after visiting the General last night.

“Due to the injured he sustained from a suicide attack there has been damage to his liver. Thereby he needs to have medication every 6 hours, however until the time we visited him last night (9th) he had been without his medicine,” Wijedasa Rajapksa the lawyer stated to the English news website.

The wife of the General, Anoma Rajapaksa and his lawyer was allowed to visit the General at the Navy Junior Officers condominium, near the port, according to Wijedasa Rajapaksa. This visit had been granted following a request made by the representatives and family of the General to a number of foreign embassies in the country and humanitarian organizations, including the ICRC.

During the visit that lasted three hours Mrs. Fonseka and Mr. Wijedasa had been closely monitored by the 10 Military Police officers guarding the former Army Commander.

General Fonseka had not consumed water or food provided by those detaining him. “He only broke his fast after meeting with us and had the food and water that we took for him,” Wijedasa said. Wijedasa confirmed that the General had sustained no injuries during his arrest.

Wijedasa stated that a fundamental rights case would be filed during the course of the day, in addition to a protest to ensure the well being and quick release of the former Chief of Defence staff.

"An officer informed me that we would be told of the next meeting after consulting with and getting the approval of the Army commander" Wijeydasa said.

Meanwhile the Secretary to the General, Senaka De Silva had also been taken into custody by the Military Police has now been handed over to the CID, according to Attorney Wijeydasa.

BJP seeks release of Sri Lankan ex-army chief

February 10, 2010 04:28 pm
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Wednesday demanded the release of Sri Lanka’s former army chief Sarath Fonseka, who was arrested for allegedly conspiring to topple the government.

BJP leader Sushma Swaraj said in a statement: ‘As the world’s largest democracy we cannot approve of this, particularly when it is happening so close to us.

‘We call upon President Mahinda Rajapaksa to ensure the safety and well-being of the opposition leader and request his release immediately.’

Fonseka spearheaded the final phase of military operations against the Tamil Tigers last year before unsuccessfully contesting in presidential election last month.

Fonseka was arrested Monday. According to the government, he has been accused of conspiring to topple the government and for creating divisions within the army when he was the commander.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

US concerned on Fonseka's arrest

[ Tuesday, 09 February 2010, 02:44.31 AM GMT +05:30 ]
The United States on Monday voiced concern about Sri Lanka's arrest of the defeated opposition presidential candidate, fearing it would worsen divisions as the island recovers from war.
"We are following the situation closely and we have concerns that any action be in accord with Sri Lankan law," State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told. "There is a tremendous need for the government of Sri Lanka to work to overcome the fissures that exist within its society," he said. "It has to be very cautious that any actions it takes are designed to heal the split within Sri Lankan society, not to exacerbate it," he said.
Troops on Monday arrested Sarath Fonseka, a former army chief who lost presidential elections two weeks ago. State media said he would be charged with unspecified "military offenses."

The January 26 election was Sri Lanka's first nationwide vote since troops last year defeated Tamil Tiger rebels, ending a bloody 37-year ethnic insurgency that was among Asia's longest-running conflicts. "Whatever the government does has implications for how democratic institutions are perceived in the future," Crowley said. "It's an unusual action to take right on the heels of an election," he said of the arrest. Another official earlier told AFP that US diplomats had been working behind the scenes to encourage President Mahinda Rajapakse's government to be cautious in its treatment of the opposition.

Fonseka holds US residency, although officials said it did not affect their position toward him. Fonseka and Rajapakse each tried to cast himself in the election campaign as the man who defeated the Tamil Tigers. Fonseka also enjoyed support of some Tamil groups who hoped for more conciliatory steps toward the minority. Western governments said they found the election credible, although Fonseka had vowed to challenge the result at the Supreme Court.

Ven. Malwatte Mahanayake on TV

ජනරාල් අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීම වෛරය මත කළ කි‍්‍රයාවක් - ජාතික භික්ෂු පෙරමුණ

2010 පෙබරවාරි 09 වෙනි අඟහරුවාදා, 13:05

ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීම වෛරය මත කළ ක්‍රියාවක් බවත් එය දැඩි පිළිකුළින් යුතුව හෙළා දකින බවත් ජාතික භික්ෂු පෙරමුණ නිවේදනයක් නිකුත්කරමින් පවසයි.

ජාතික භික්ෂු පෙරමුණේ සභාපති රයිගම්, සල්පිටි, හේවාගම්, පස්යොදුන් සිව්කෝරළයේ අධිකරණ සංගනායක, පුරා විද්‍යා විශාරද පූජ්‍ය දඹර අමිල හිමියන්ගේ අත්සනින් යුතුව නිකුත්කර ඇති එම නිවේදනය මෙසේය.

පොදු අපේක්‍ෂක ජනරාල් සරත් ෆෝන්සේකා මහතා ඊයේ රාතී‍්‍ර අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීම වෛරය මත කළ අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමකි. මෙය ඉතා පිළිකුල්සහග කි‍්‍රයාවක් ලෙස දේශමාමක මහාසංඝතරත්නය වෙනුවෙන් අපි තරයේ හෙළා දකිමු.

‘‘නහිවේරේන වේරානී’’ යනුවෙන් වේදිකා ගානේ කළ කථා හිස් ප‍්‍රලාප බවට පත්කරමින් මේ සිදුකරන්නේ බද්ධ වෛරය පදනම් කරගත් කි‍්‍රයාකාරකම් බව ඉහමොළේ ඇතිව සිතන කාටවුවත් වැටහෙන කාරණයකි. ෆොන්සේකා මහතා අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමේදී බලහත්කාරය යොදවා, ඉතා නින්දනීය ලෙස අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් බව එය ඇසින් දුටුවන් මේ වනවිටත් මාධ්‍යයට කරුණු දක්වා ඇත.

ෆොන්සේකා මහතා අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමට හේතු ලෙස දක්වා ඇත්තේ ඔහු යුද හමුදාපති හා මාණ්ඩලික ප‍්‍රධානී තනතුරුවල සිටියදී රජය පෙරළා දැමීමට හා ජනාධිපතිවරයාට එරෙහිව කටයුතු කිරීම සහ යුද හමුදා නීති උල්ලංඝනය කිරීම යන චෝදනාය. මේ චෝදනා ඔහුට තිබුණේ නම් ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම්වරයා හා ජනාධිපතිවරයා ඔහුට ගාල්ල නියෝජනය කරමින් මන්තී‍්‍ර ධුරයක් දීමට යෝජනා කළේ කුමටද? එසේම ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම්ගේ වගකීම දෙකට බෙදා කටයුතු කරන ලෙස ඉල්ලා සිටියේ මන්ද? තවද කී‍්‍රඩා අමාත්‍යංශයේ ලේකම් ධුරයට පත්කළේකුමන හේතුවක් නිසාද? ඒවා භාරගත්තේ නම් මෙම චෝදනා ඉදිරිපත්වන්නේ නැත. ඒ සියල්ල ප‍්‍රතික්‍ෂේප කොට ජනාධිපතිවරණයේ පොදු අපේක්‍ෂකයා ලෙස ඉදිරීපත්වීමත් සමග ඇතිකරගත් බද්ධ වෛරය නිසා මේ සියලූ චෝදනා අද ඉදිරිපත්වන බව ඉතා පැහැදිලිය.

ජනාධිපතිවරණයේදී රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටි අය රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා පිළිබඳ හඳුන්වා දුන්නේ ජනමූල නායකත්වයක් සහිත, සුබ අනාගතයක් ගොඩනගන, මිනිස්කම අගයන, පිය සෙනෙහස තිබෙන ආදී අපමණක් ගුණබර වචන යොදමිනි. ඒසේ හඳුන්වා දුන් සැම දැන් සිදුවෙමින් පවතින ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවිරෝධී ගමන පිළිබඳව රටට වගකිවයතු බව අපි අවධාරයෙන් පවසන්නෙමු.

ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා යනු මහවිල් ආරු ජයග‍්‍රහණයෙන් හා තොප්පිගල ජයග‍්‍රහණවලින් පසු මේ රටේ ජන ප‍්‍රසාදයේ අංක එක ලෙස විශ්වාසය දිනාගත් ජනතා හදවත් තුළ සෑබෑ වීරයෙක් ලෙස ජීවත් වූ රණවිරුවෙකි. එකල කළ ජනමත සමීක්‍ෂණයක ප‍්‍රතිඵල අනුව කියවුනේ ශී‍්‍ර ලාංකීය ජනයාගේ පළමු තේරීම ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා බවත්, දෙවැනි තැන ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම් වරයා බවත්, තෙවන ස්ථානය මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා බවත්ය. එසේ වරක් නොව කීපවරක් මේ රටේ ජනයාගේ සැබෑ යුද වීරයා වූ සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා මෙසේ නින්දා සහගත ලෙස අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීම දේශපාලනයේදී ඔහුට පක්‍ෂ හා විපක්‍ෂ වූ බොහෝ දෙනෙකුගේ දැඩි කම්පනයට හා අප‍්‍රසාදයට ලක්වනවාට සැක නැත. ඒ අතර මේ රටේ මහානායක මාහිමිවරුන් ප‍්‍රමුඛ සැබෑ දේශමාමක මහා සංඝයා ප‍්‍රමුඛස්ථානයක් ගනී.

තිස් වසරක ශාපලත් බෙදුම්වාදයේ යුද පෙරමුණ පරදා රට ත‍්‍රස්තාවදයෙන් මුදාගත් මෑත යුගයේ අප දෑස් ඉදිරිපිට සිටිනා ප‍්‍රතාපවත්ම යුද සෙනෙවියා වූ සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා ජනාදරයට හා අතිශය ජාතන්‍යන්තර පිළිගැනීමට ලක්වූ අයෙකි. එබන්දෙකුගේ ඇති පුරවැසි වටිනාකම හෝ නොසලකා අඩංතේට්ටම් කරමින්, මානසික පීඩා ඇතිකරමින්, ඔහුගේ ආරක්‍ෂාව ඉවත්කර ජීවිත අනතුරටක ලක් කරමින් කි‍්‍රයා කිරීම වහා නතර කොට ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවාදී පිළිවෙතින් කටයුතු කිරීම ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවාදයේ ප‍්‍රතිමූර්ති ලෙස පෙනී සිටිනවා යැයි හ`ඩ නැගූ පාලකයන්ගේ වගකීමකි.

ප‍්‍රභාකරන්ගේ පරම සතුරා ලෙස සැලකූ ජනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා අවස්ථා තුනකදී ඝාතනය කිරීමට ගත් උත්සාහය වැළකී ගියේ මේ රටේ වාසනාවටය. එසේ ප‍්‍රභාකරන්ගේ මරුකටින් ගැලවුණ සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතා මෙසේ විවිධාකාරයේ අඩංතේට්ටම්වලට ලක්කරමින් ඔහුව හිංසනයට ලක් කරනුයේ, ඔහුගේ ජීවිතය බිලිගැනීමට මගපාදනුයේ ප‍්‍රභාකරන්ගේ මියගිය අවතාර වැසුනු පුද්ගලයින්ද යන සැකයද මෙරට ජනයාට ඇතිවෙමින් පවතී.

තමන්ට ප‍්‍රතිපක්‍ෂ මතයක් දැරීම නිසා පමණක් කෙනෙකු ද`ඩුවමට හා පළිගැනීමට ලක් වන්නේ නම් එය අත්තනෝමතික, ඒකාධිපති ගමන්මගක ලක්‍ෂණයකි. මේ සිදුවන්නේ එය නම් මීට දායක වන ලෙස ජනතාවට ආරාධනා කරමින් මැතිවරණ ව්‍යාපාරයේ යෙදුන සියලූ දෙනා මෙහි වගකීම භාරගත යුතුය.

මෙම අත් අඩංගුවට ගැනීමත් සමග රට ඉතා අරාජික හා අනතුරුදායක තත්වයකට පත්වීම වැළැක්විය නොහැකිය. මුළු ති‍්‍රවිධ හමුදාවටම අණදුන් නායකයා ලෙස ජනාරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාට අත් වූ ඉරණම දකින හා පසුගියදා අනිවාර්ය නිවාඩු යවා සේවා හමාර කළ සෙසු නිලයන්ගේ ඉරණම දකින ති‍්‍රවිධ හමුදා හා පොලීසියේ, සිවිල් ආරක්‍ෂක බලකායේ සියලූ නිලයන් මේ මර්දනීය ගමනට එරෙහිවනු ඇත. එය මෙරට ආරක්‍ෂාව සම්බන්ධ කාරණයේදී බරපතල කාරණයක් වනු ඇති බව ඉතා කණගාටුවෙන් වුව රටට ප‍්‍රකාශකළ යුතුය.

එම නිසා ජනාරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා මහතාගේ අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමත් සමග රට ගමන් කරමින් ඇති ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවිරෝධී ගමන නතර කිරීම සඳහා මහානායක මාහිමිවරු ප‍්‍රමුඛ මහා සංඝ රත්නය හා සියලූ බුද්ධිමතුන්, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ පුරවැසියන්, ආදී සියලූ දෙනා ඉක්මන් මැදිහත් වීමක් කළයුතු බව අපි ඉතා ආයාචනාත්මකව අවධාරණය කරනු කැමැත්තෙමි.

UN chief alarmed by fate of Sri Lanka’s Fonseka

10 February 2010, AFP

UNITED NATIONS - UN chief Ban Ki-moon is alarmed by the arrest of Sri Lanka’s defeated presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka and urged Colombo to guarantee his safety, his spokesman said Tuesday.

UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said Ban “is following developments in Sri Lanka with concern” and urged Colombo authorities “to follow due process of law and provide all necessary protections (for Fonseka) and guarantees to his safety.”

Nesirky said the UN secretary general planned to speak with President Mahinda Rajapakse “in the coming hours” about the case.

Sri Lanka said earlier Tuesday it would court martial Fonseka for conspiring against the government and sacked parliament to make way for snap polls.

The Sri Lankan defense ministry said Fonseka, who was seized by troops at his office in Colombo on Monday, will face a court martial even though he quit in November following a rift with the president.

The opposition said Fonseka was “grabbed” by the military while he discussed plans to contest upcoming parliamentary polls with several senior party leaders who had backed his failed bid for the presidency last month.

The government said Fonseka had been “conspiring” with opposition politicians while he was still the army chief.

Nesirky said Ban “underlines the importance of ensuring a positive political climate as the country prepares for parliamentary elections and in the interest of peace, stability and reconciliation.”

Fonseka, 59, the only four-star general in the Sri Lankan army, quit after falling out with his commander-in-chief, Rajapakse, whom he later challenged in January presidential elections.

Shortly after the poll, which Rajapakse won comfortably, the government accused Fonseka of plotting a coup to oust the president and assassinate his family members.

The Hindu (India) Editorial: Set General Fonseka Free

If the combined forces of the opposition in Sri Lanka showed appalling political judgment in fielding retired Army general Sarath Fonseka as their presidential candidate, the government has returned the favour through an act that is as miscalculated and reckless as it is authoritarian and ugly. The decision to arrest and court martial the former Army Chief, and the manner in which his arrest was carried out, has shocked everyone who values democracy. Even at face value, the allegations made against General Fonseka are dubious, with the government apparently confused about what exactly he was guilty of (other than vaingloriousness, political ambition, paranoia, and foot-in-the-mouth disease, which are not really prosecutable offences). In fact, the official versions have been such as to challenge credulity: while a press release posted at the Army’s website informs us that General Fonseka has been “taken into military custody on charges of alleged fraudulent acts and military offences,” a government Minister has accused him of “direct contact with opposition political parties” amounting to conspiracy (while he was Army Commander, Chief of Defence Staff, and member of the Security Council), and the director-general of the Media Centre for National Security has spoken darkly of charges of plotting a military coup and conspiring to assassinate President Mahinda Rajapaksa. To the public in Sri Lanka and abroad, what all this signals is a witch-hunt that makes no political sense.

True, the general has been provocative beyond normal limits. Instead of accepting the people’s decisive verdict, he has made false allegations that the presidential election was stolen from him. He has hurled accusations of war crimes against field commanders who served under him in the 34 month-long-war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. He has spoken of an official plot to assassinate him. He has even given hints of political blackmail by saying that upon his death an affidavit containing the government’s ‘secrets’ would be made public. Statesmanship demanded that these provocations be treated as acts of political folly born of failure and frustration. President Rajapaksa, after all, is in an extremely strong position. Following his 17+ percentage point triumph in the presidential contest, he expects his party and alliance to make substantial gains in the parliamentary election that will be held in the first half of April. Sri Lanka, in the post-LTTE era, needs normalcy, reconciliation, a just and sustainable political solution to the Tamil question, and development of all regions starting with the North — not the politics of vendetta, more divisiveness and strife, and further politicisation of the military. Assuming that President Rajapaksa was persuaded or pressured by the hawks around him to go against his better political judgment, he must act boldly to reverse course and set General Fonseka free.
The Hindu

Gen. Fonseka was forcibly dragged away from his office

February 8th, 2010

By D.B.S. Jeyaraj

In a disturbing turn of events, retired four star General Sarath Fonseka was taken into custody by a contingent of military police on the night of Monday, February 8th 2010.

General Sarath Fonseka

General Fonseka a widely regarded as the most successful army commander in post-Independence Sri Lanka was roughly manhandled, assaulted and forcibly dragged away by military personnel who had saluted him with respect only a few months ago.

The ex-army chief who was the main challenger of President Mahinda Rajapakse in the recently concluded Presidential poll is currently “housed” at a chalet within the Naval headquarters precincts in Colombo.

Gen. Fonseka who also held the position of Chief of Defence staff (CDS) prior to contesting the Presidential elections is detained pending interrogation into alleged military offences committed by him while in service as Army chief and chief of defence staff.

Although a charge sheet is yet to be formulated the General is very likely to face in camera court-martial proceedings at the hands of a military tribunal that would debar media coverage.

The manner and mode in which the highly decorated war hero was arrested and detained has come in for heavy criticism by opposition politicians on whom the cruel irony of the man who defeated “terrorism” being treated like a terrorist was not lost.


General Fonseka was in his political office at Rajakeeya Mawatte (Reid avenue) near Royal College in Colombo 7 discussing political strategies and campaign tactics for the forthcoming Parliamentary polls with a group of political allies.

Among those participating in the discussions were Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC)leader and MP Rauff Hakeem, Democratic Peoples Front (DPF)leader and MP Mano Ganesan, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) leader Somawansa Amerasinghe and JVP Parliamentarian Sunil Handunnetti.

Fonseka’s media secretary Senaka de Silva a.k.a “Shah” Silva was also a participant. Senaka Silva is a former captain of the Sri Lankan Army.

The highly confidential discussions were conducted behind closed doors in Gen. Fonseka’s boardroom on the first floor of the building.

The security personnel in charge of personal security for the General and other political leaders like Hakeem, Ganesan and Handunnetty were waiting in an outer enclosure.

The time was about 9.40 pm when a contingent of military personnel swooped down on the premises in a commando type raid. While scores of soldiers took up positions around and inside the building a special squad burst into the room where the meeting was going on.

Before entering the room by breaking down the door the military personnel had disarmed the security officers of Fonseka and other political leaders by relieving them of their firearms.

Upon entering the room the Military Police, Provost-Marshal Brigadier Wijesiri had introduced himself and asked the politicial leaders to leave the room as the Army had been instructed to detain and question General Fonseka.

The political leaders had objected to this high-handed action and politely refused to vacate the room and leave the General to the tender mercies of his erstwhile military subordinates.

At this point General Fonseka had said that if he was to be arrested for questioning then it had to be done in the proper way. He said that the army could not arrest him as he was no longer in the army and that only the Police could arrest him.

Fonseka’s media secretary Senaka de Silva had also spoken supportively of the General.

When the political representatives tried to intervene they were curtly ordered to remain silent and not interfere in a matter of national security.


The Provost Marshall Wijesiri had then said that the General had to be taken into custody by the Military police for interrogation about certain offences committed by him while wearing the military uniform.

Since they were military offences it was the military Pol’ce that was entitled to arrest him, emphasised the Provost Marshall.

He also rapidly read out from his orders outlining the reasons for taking Sarath Fonseka into custody.

The charges under which Fonseka is to be interrogated included

a) Politicking whilst in uniform.
b) Conspiring against the Commander-in-Chief whilst in Service.
c) Harboring more than 1,500 deserters whilst on service.
d) Corrupt practices relating to military procurements.

Sarath Fonseka then protested vehemently and asserted that he would not leave the office unless and until the Police took him into custody and that the military Police had no authority to arrest him as he was now a civilian out of uniform.

The military Police officials seemed hesitant to proceed further in the face of the defiant stance adopted by Sarath Fonseka who reiterated that he was willing to submit to arrest by the Police but not the military Police.

Suddenly a fresh group of military personnel entered the room. They were led by Major-General Sumith Manawaduge, commanding officer of Colombo district operations in the Army.

Incidently it was Maj-Gen Manawaduge who was in charge of an earlier operation on January 26th-27th when a contingent of troops encircled the Lakeside Cinnamon Hotel where Sarath Fonseka and some associates were staying.

Sarath Fonseka family portrait-

Manawaduge then barked out orders to the military personnel to take hold of Fonseka. At one point he had rasped to hesitating personnel “Ai balagana inne. Bellen allaganda” (Why are you just watching and waiting, grasp his throat).

Egged on by their commanding officer the soldiers then seized their former commander and tried to pull him out. But Fonseka held on to a table refusing to accompany them. He kept on shouting “Let the Police come. I will come then”.

When Senaka de Silva also protested , Maj-Gen Manawaduge ordered his men to arrest the ex-captain and hand him over to the Police for further questioning.


He then ordered soldiers to drag the general (adagena yande). The soldiers then grasped the hands and legs of Sarath Fonseka and forcibly dragged him along.

The politicians witnessing this disgusting spectacle of an ex-Army chief being humiliated in this way remonstrated with the army officers but to no avail as Maj-Gen Manawaduge simply ignored them.

Sarath Fonseka kept on shouting and struggling as he was forcibly dragged down the steps from the first floor. Some of the soldiers dragging the General were seen hitting their former commander in a bid to restrain him.

One soldier was seen delivering a powerful punch to the back of Sarath Fonseka’s head.

When the soldiers assaulted him the General retorted by resorting to colourful expressions and choice epithets in both the Sinhala and English languages.

The 59 year old General who had survived an LTTE suicide bomb attempt on his life in April 2006 was manhandled very roughly by the soldiers who dragged him down the stairs by pulling his hands.

At one point the struggling Fonseka’s flailing legs smashed into a window cracking the glass pane.

The General was wearing brown trousers and a white shirt at the time of arrest.


After reaching ground level the General was handcuffed and then bodily carried towards a vehicle.

Fonseka then asked the soldiers to put him down saying he would walk without struggling. Thereafter a handcuffed Fonseka walked a very short distance to the bullet-proof Land Rover jeep in which he was taken to Navy headquarters.

He has been detained in a chalet within Naval headquarters premises.

Detaining Fonseka within Navy precincts is perceived as another attempt to humiliate and anger him as the ex-army chief was at loggerheads with his counterpart former Navy chief Admiral Karannagoda and had constantly undermined the navy during his tenure as Army chief.

Senaka de Silva was taken separately and reportedly handed over to the Police for questioning.

The political leaders at Fonseka’s office were prevented from leaving the place for nearly half an hour by the Army.

The Army also blocked mediapersons from photographing the “arrest” and reportedly confiscated film rolls and cameras from photojournalists working for domestic and foreign media.


The SLMC,DPF and JVP leaders who witnessed the deplorable drama have been informing media persons of what had happened exactly “He was dragged away in a very disgraceful manner in front of our own eyes” Rauff Hakeem told Reuters.Hakeem described the act as “authoritarian and vindictive”.

A JVP spokesman told Agency France-Presse (AFP) “The General refused to be taken away.They grabbed him and virtually carried him away after threatening the others.There must have been over a hundred soldiers”.

DPF leader Mano Ganesan told a Tamil newspaper that the General was “Dragged out bodily like a dog, taken downstairs,handcuffed and put into a vehicle”.

It was only a few hours earlier that Sarath Fonseka held a media briefing where he said that he was prepared to testify in any inquiry into alleged war crimes committed by Sri Lankan armed forces.

“I am definitely going to reveal what I know, what I was told and what I heard. Anyone who has committed war crimes should definitely be brought into the courts,” Gen Fonseka said at the briefing.

With this “arrest” any such possibility of Fonseka testifying has been ruled out in the near future.

The arrest of Fonseka comes at a time when he and other opposition leaders were engaged in preparing elaborate documentation for legal action challenging the Presidential election result


Although President Rajapakse won with a majority of 1.8 million votes the opposition has refuted the figures and alleged that malpractices and manipulation on a massive scale had occurred.

Fonseka’s arrest could be a setback to opposition efforts to initiate legal action. It is mandatory that legal action should be taken within three weeks of the poll held on January 26th.

The arrest could also hamper Opposition efforts to contest forthcoming Parliamentary elections on a common platform spearheaded by General Fonseka. Though defeated at the Presidential hustings Fonseka yet remains a key political figure capable of mobilising broad support.

Opposition leader Ranil Wickremasinghe currently on a visit to New Delhi has condemned the arrest as “illegal”.

Meanwhile efforts are on to “gather” evidence justifying a court-martial trial of the ex-army chief by a military tribunal.

Lakshman Huligalle,director Media Centre of National Security and newly appointed and recently promoted Military spokesman Major-General Prasad Samarasinghe have both stated that the General has been detained for questioning into alleged military offences done while he was in service.

While interrogation with a view to court-martial Fonseka goes on one level It is learnt that other “investigations” and “probes” are also being undertaken concurrently.


One line of investigation is about Fonseka’s complicity in an alleged Coup d’etat conspiracy against the Government.

Another probe is about Fonseka’s alleged involvement in an assassination plot against President Rajapakse and his two siblings Gotabhaya and Basil Rajapakse.

A third line of investigation is about General Fonseka’s role in the killings of “The Sunday Leader” Editor Lasantha Wickrematunge and Tamil National Alliance MP from Jaffna, Nadarajah Raviraj.

It appears that moves are afoot to keep the General detained indefinitely for a while and conduct the Parliamentary poll with him in custody.

The General’s arrest has evoked an international outcry with the UN, USA and Amnesty International expressing concern.

In a related development a bunch of investigative sleuths from the Police went to the General’s private residence on Queens road and removed his personal revolver.

Meanwhile Mrs. Anoma Fonseka has stated that she is very worried about her husband’s health as he has been deprived of medication.

Fonseka has to take specified medicine every six hours due to internal injuries sustained when a woman suicide bomber exploded herself at Army headquarters in an abortive assassination attempt.

Jeyaraj’s Jottings-2